• Max Weber, Alina Mailach, Sven Apel, Janet Siegmund, Raimund Dachselt, and Norbert Siegmund. Understanding Debugging as Episodes: A Case Study on Performance Bugs in Configurable Software Systems. ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), June, 2025.
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  • Alina Mailach, Sebastian Simon, Johannes Dorn, and Norbert Siegmund. Themes of Building LLM-based Applications for Production: A Practitioner’s View. In 4th International Conference on AI Engineering – Software Engineering for AI (CAIN), April, 2025
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  • Sebastian Simon, Alina Mailach, Johannes Dorn, and Norbert Siegmund. A Methodology for Evaluating RAG Systems: A Case Study On Configuration Dependency Validation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.08801.
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  • Alina Mailach, Dominik Gorgosch, Norbert Siegmund, and Janet Siegmund. ‚Ok Pal, We Have to Code That Now‘: Interaction Patterns of Programming Beginners with a Conversational Chatbot. Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), volume 30, issue 1, 2025.
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  • Belinda Schantong, Norbert Siegmund, and Janet Siegmund. Toward a Theory on Programmer’s Block Inspired by Writer’s Block. Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), to appear.
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  • Max Weber, Christian Kaltenecker, Florian Sattler, Sven Apel, and Norbert Siegmund. Is Performance a Reliable Proxy for Energy Consumption? Software Engineering 2024 (SE 2024).
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  • Alina Mailach and Norbert Siegmund. Socio-Technical Challenges and Recommendations for Mitigation when Building ML-enabled Systems Software Engineering 2024 (SE 2024).
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  • Stefan Mühlbauer, Florian Sattler, Christian Kaltenecker, Johannes Dorn, Sven Apel, Norbert Siegmund. Performance Sensitivity Across Configuration and Workload. Software Engineering 2024 (SE 24)
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  • Sebastian Simon, Nicolai Ruckel, Norbert Siegmund. CfgNet: A Framework for Tracking Equality-Based Configuration Dependencies Across a Software Project. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2023.3274349
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  • Christian Kaltenecker, Stefan Mühlbauer, Alexander Grebhahn, Norbert Siegmund, and Sven Apel. Performance Evolution of Configurable Software Systems: An Empirical Study. Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), volume 28 , issue 6, 2023.
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  • Sebastian Simon, Nikolay Kolyada, Christopher Akiki, Martin Potthast, Benno Stein, and Norbert Siegmund. Exploring Hyperparameter Usage and Tuning in Machine Learning Research. In 2nd International Conference on AI Engineering – Software Engineering for AI (CAIN), May, 2023. CAIN. DOI: 10.1109/CAIN58948.2023.00016
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  • Alina Mailach and Norbert Siegmund. Socio-Technical Anti-Patterns in Building ML-Enabled Software: Insights from Leaders on the Forefront. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pages 690–702. IEEE, May, 2023. Acceptance rate: 26% (209 / 796). DOI: 10.1109/ICSE48619.2023.00067
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  • Stefan Mühlbauer, Florian Sattler, Christian Kaltenecker, Johannes Dorn, Sven Apel, and Norbert Siegmund. Analyzing the Impact of Workloads on Modeling the Performance of Configurable Software Systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pages 2089–2101. IEEE, May, 2023. Acceptance rate: 26% (209 / 796). DOI: 0.1109/ICSE48619.2023.00176
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  • Max Weber, Christian Kaltenecker, Florian Sattler, Sven Apel, and Norbert Siegmund. Twins or False Friends? A Study on Energy Consumption and Performance of Configurable Software. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pages 2102-2114. IEEE, May, 2023. Acceptance rate: 26% (209 / 796). DOI: 10.1109/ICSE48619.2023.00177
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  • Johannes Dorn, Sven Apel, and Norbert Siegmund. Mastering Uncertainty in Performance Estimations of Configurable Software Systems. Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), volume 28, issue 33, 2023.
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  • Kewen Peng, Christian Kaltenecker, Norbert Siegmund, Sven Apel, and Tim Menzies. VEER: Enhancing the Interpretability of Model-based Optimizations. Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), volume 28, issue 3, 2023.
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  • Florian Sattler, Sebastian Böhm, Philipp Schubert, Norbert Siegmund, and Sven Apel. SEAL: Integrating Program Analysis and Repository Mining. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), volume 32, issue 9, 2023.
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  • Atri Sarkar, Jianmei Guo, Norbert Siegmund, Sven Apel, and Krzysztof Czarnecki. Cost-Efficient Sampling for Performance Prediction of Configurable Systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), pages 342–352. IEEE Computer Society, November 2015. Acceptance rate (full papers): 21% (60 / 289).
  • Andreas Wölfl, Norbert Siegmund, Sven Apel, Harald Kosch, Johann Krautlager, and Guillermo Weber-Urbina. Generating Qualifiable Avionics Software: An Experience Report. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), pages 726–736. IEEE Computer Society, November 2015. Acceptance rate (full papers): 21% (60 / 289).
  • Norbert Siegmund, Alexander Grebhahn, Sven Apel, and Christian Kästner. Performance-Influence Models for Highly Configurable Systems. In Proceedings of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), pages 284–294. ACM Press, August 2015. Acceptance rate: 25% (74 / 291).
  • Janet Siegmund, Norbert Siegmund, and Sven Apel. Views on Internal and External Validity in Empirical Software Engineering. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pages 9–19. IEEE Computer Society, May 2015. Acceptance rate: 19% (84 / 452); ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.
  • Alexander von Rhein, Alexander Grebhahn, Sven Apel, Norbert Siegmund, Dirk Beyer, and Thorsten Berger. Presence-Condition Simplification in Highly Configurable Systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pages 178–188. IEEE Computer Society, May 2015. Acceptance rate: 19% (84 / 452).





  • Jianmei Guo, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Sven Apel, Norbert Siegmund, and Andrzej Wasowski. Variability-Aware Performance Prediction: A Statistical Learning Approach. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), pages 301–311. IEEE Computer Society, November 2013. Acceptance rate (full papers): 16% (51 / 317).
  • Norbert Siegmund, Alexander von Rhein, and Sven Apel. Family-Based Performance Measurement. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE), pages 95–104. ACM Press, October 2013. Acceptance rate (full papers): 30% (17 / 57).
  • Sven Apel, Sergiy Kolesnikov, Norbert Siegmund, Christian Kästner, and Brady Garvin. Exploring Feature Interactions in the Wild: The New Feature-Interaction Challenge. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD), pages 1–8. ACM Press, October 2013.
  • Sebastian Breß, Norbert Siegmund, Ladjel Bellatreche, and Gunter Saake. An Operator-Stream-based Scheduling Engine for Effective GPU Coprocessing. In Proceedings of the East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), pages 288–301. Springer-Verlag, September 2013.
  • Sebastian Breß, Max Heimel, Norbert Siegmund, Ladjel Bellatreche, and Gunter Saake. Exploring the Design Space of a GPU-aware Database Architecture. In New Trends in Databases and Information Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages 225–234. Springer-Verlag, September 2013.
  • Jianmei Guo, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Sven Apel, Norbert Siegmund, and Andrezj Wasowski. Why CART Works for Variability-Aware Performance Prediction? An Empirical Study on Performance Distributions. Technical Report GSDLAB-TR-2013-04-02, Generative Software Development Laboratory, University of Waterloo, April 2013.
  • Norbert Siegmund, Marko Rosenmüller, Christian Kästner, Paolo Giarrusso, Sven Apel, and Sergiy Kolesnikov. Scalable Prediction of Non-functional Properties in Software Product Lines: Footprint and Memory Consumption. Information and Software Technology (IST), 55(3):491–507, March 2013.
  • Sergiy Kolesnikov, Sven Apel, Norbert Siegmund, Stefan Sobernig, Christian Kästner, and Semah Senkaya. Predicting Quality Attributes of Software Product Lines Using Software and Network Measures and Sampling. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VaMoS), pages 25–29. ACM, January 2013.
  • Michael Soffner, Norbert Siegmund, Marko Rosenmüller, Janet Feigenspan, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake. A Variability Model for Query Optimizers. In Database and Information Systems VII. Selected Papers from the Tenth International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems 2012, pages 15–28. IOS Press, January 2013.
  • Reimar Schröter, Thomas Thüm, Norbert Siegmund, and Gunter Saake. Automated Analysis of Dependent Feature Models. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VaMoS), pages 43–47. ACM, January 2013.
  • Reimar Schröter, Norbert Siegmund, and Thomas Thüm. Towards Modular Analysis of Multi Product Lines. In Proceedings of the International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) Co-located Workshops, 96–99, 2013. ACM.



  • Norbert Siegmund. Measuring and Predicting Non-Functional Properties of Customizable Programs. Dissertation, University of Magdeburg, Germany, November 2012.
  • Norbert Siegmund, Marko Rosenmüller, Martin Kuhlemann, Christian Kästner, Sven Apel, and Gunter Saake. SPL Conqueror: Toward Optimization of Non-functional Properties in Software Product Lines. Software Quality Journal – Special Issue on Quality Engineering for Software Product Lines, 20(3–4):487–517, September 2012.
  • Janet Siegmund, Norbert Siegmund, Jana Fruth, Sven Kuhlmann, Jana Dittmann, and Gunter Saake. Program Comprehension in Preprocessor-Based Software. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Digital Engineering (IWDE), pages 517–528. Springer, September 2012.
  • Maik Mory, Norbert Siegmund, Alexander Blankenburg, and Gunter Saake. Towards Interoperability of Distributed Interactive Simulations through Node-based OpenGL Stream Processing. In Proceedings of the Fifth Interop-Vlab.It Workshop on Complexity of Systems, Complexity of Interoperability (INVIT12), volume 915, pages 83–87. CEUR-WS.org, September 2012.
  • Jianmei Guo, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Sven Apel, Norbert Siegmund, and Andrezj Wasowski. Variability-Aware Performance Modeling: A Statistical Learning Approach. Technical Report GSDLAB-TR-2012-08-18, Generative Software Development Laboratory, University of Waterloo, August 2012.
  • Norbert Siegmund, Sergiy Kolesnikov, Christian Kästner, Sven Apel, Don Batory, Marko Rosenmüller, and Gunter Saake. Predicting Performance via Automated Feature-Interaction Detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pages 167–177. IEEE Computer Society, June 2012. Acceptance rate: 21% (87 / 408).
  • Norbert Siegmund, Maik Mory, Janet Feigenspan, Gunter Saake, Mykhaylo Nykolaychuk, and Marco Schumann. Interoperability of Non-functional Requirements in Complex Systems. In Proceedings of the International ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Embedded Systems, pages 2–8. IEEE Computer Society, June 2012.
  • Janet Feigenspan and Norbert Siegmund. Supporting Comprehension Experiments with Human Subjects. In Proceeding of the International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), pages 244–246. IEEE Computer Society, June 2012. Tool demo.



  • Marko Rosenmüller, Norbert Siegmund, Mario Pukall, and Sven Apel. Tailoring Dynamic Software Product Lines. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE), pages 3–12. ACM Press, October 2011. Acceptance rate: 31% (18 / 58).
  • Janet Feigenspan, Norbert Siegmund, Andreas Hasselberg, and Markus Köppen. PROPHET: Tool Infrastructure To Support Program Comprehension Experiments. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), September 2011. Poster.
  • Norbert Siegmund, Marko Rosenmüller, Christian Kästner, Paolo Giarrusso, Sven Apel, and Sergiy Kolesnikov. Scalable Prediction of Non-functional Properties in Software Product Lines. In Proceedings of the Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), pages 160–169. IEEE Computer Society, August 2011. Acceptance rate: 29% (20 / 69). Best Research Paper Award.
  • Thomas Thüm, Christian Kästner, Sebastian Erdweg, and Norbert Siegmund. Abstract Features in Feature Modeling. In Proceedings of the International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), pages 191–200. IEEE Computer Society, August 2011.
  • Janet Feigenspan, Norbert Siegmund, and Jana Fruth. On the Role of Program Comprehension in Embedded Systems. Softwaretechnik-Trends, 31(2), May 2011.
  • Marko Rosenmüller, Norbert Siegmund, Sven Apel, and Gunter Saake. Flexible Feature Binding in Software Product Lines. Automated Software Engineering, 18(2):163–197, March 2011.
  • Martin Schäler, Thomas Leich, Norbert Siegmund, Christian Kästner, and Gunter Saake. Generierung maßgeschneiderter Relationenschemata in Softwareproduktlinien mittels Superimposition. In Proceedings of Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), volume 180 of LNI, pages 414–534. GI, March 2011.
  • Marko Rosenmüller, Norbert Siegmund, Mario Pukall, and Sven Apel. Combining Runtime Adaptation and Static Binding in Dynamic Software Product Lines. Technical Report 02, Fakultät für Informatik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, February 2011.
  • Marko Rosenmüller, Norbert Siegmund, Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake. Multi-Dimensional Variability Modeling. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VaMoS), pages 11–20. ACM Press, January 2011.









  • Marko Rosenmüller, Martin Kuhlemann, Norbert Siegmund, and Horst Schirmeier. Avoiding Variability of Method Signatures in Software Product Lines: A Case Study. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Product Line Engineering (AOPLE), pages 20–25, October 2007. Publsihed at the workshop website.